jueves, 17 de julio de 2014

Hello my friends,
  So it turns out that we didn't end up leaving on the 10th(last Thursday). Things kept happening, plans kept changing, people were not able to come last minute, others were brought into the team last minute and in the end we needed to push the dates a little further. It actually was pushed forward several times. But it finally happened! We left at 7 am this morning, Wednesday, from my house and after a long day of traveling we are finally in Panama and will be on our way to Colombia tomorrow! I have to admit that this was a hard week with so many changes but looking back I see how we needed the extra time. God knows what we need more than we do. His plans are definitely better than mine. It's been hard having to let some of the team members go. But God is in control. God is good. 
   The team has changed quite a bit. We are only three now. Vanessa and Khori were not able to come with us and last minute a really good friend of my family decided to join. So the final team is me, Nicholas and Sam. It's crazy how quickly everything changed. But I know that this is the team God wanted from the beginning. Who knows maybe someone will join us half way through the trip. We are so excited to see what it is that God has for us! Pray that God gives us strength and wisdom. We still have a lot of traveling ahead of us. Pray. Thank you all so much!
  I love you all and God bless. 

2 comentarios:

  1. David & I are praying for you all and believe in you. We love you and look forward to hearing about all the amazing things God does through you and in you! Bunches of Blessings and lots of Hugs from the Adairs :)
